Believe it or not, I haven’t always been the avid cat lover that I am today! Growing up, we weren’t really an animal family….I think I was definitely the odd one out! My parents did eventually concede to my older sisters repeated wishes to have a dog and we had a family dog and when she passed away unexpectedly we offered a home to another dog, Cassie, who lived with us until she was 13 years old! I took on the role of her main carer, when my older sister moved to the US and together, with my Dad, I would take her to the vets and make sure she was well-looked after. She truly was a member of the family. 

That was my first introduction to a veterinary practice but still no cats in my life!

In fact, my first real interaction with a cat didn’t take place until I was on my first work placement when I began studying veterinary nursing….some 10 years later! Luckily I worked with some serious cat loving nurses and I was introduced to the wonderful world of cats!

However, it was when I rescued a kitten, my very first pet, that I truly learned what a cat is!! I think when you live with a cat you experience a whole other side of their personalities, peculiarities, eccentricities and overall marvellousness!! Since I became a cat owner, now to two kittys, I truly appreciate their catness. From my extra studies, first in feline nursing and currently in feline behaviour, I have a new appreciation for these 4 legged wonders! This is why I get so excited about spreading the word that CATS are AMAZING!

My mission is to spread the word and teach other cat owners about these amazing animals, why they do what they do and how this can help us to have an even better relationship with them.

This is what The Purrfect Nurse is all about. 

So welcome to my Blog and I hope you enjoy the content.


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